Tuesday, May 19, 2009

GiRLs OuTiNG -- pArt 2

da next day... pagi2 lagik iLHams da bgn... since all aunty still sleeping... kami dok memain jer kat tepi tingkap... best nyer... dni look so excited nampak air. no la sayang.. u cant go there. its so deep.

tah biler lagik dapat jumpa korang sumer. thanx for this frenship. i miss allof u... till we meet again.... hopefully at that time the 3 ladies had been married n ati will have a kids. aku doakan tuk korang. insyaallah... Luv ya..........

-- naper la sumer aunty nie x bangun2 lagik --

-- bReaKfast on da Bed --

-- naper la derang nie lmbat bgn...--

-- Love this pic... muahhhhh --

-- mama... can we go there n play wif da water??? --

-- mana dni nie mama --

-- adel pose while waiting for dni --

-- my dear.. pandang cni la... mak teh wat lawak ape tuh?? --

-- dni yg suka hati --
-- with our pelapis to join UUM --

-- TiLL da DaY that me meeT again.. --

-- waLK sLowLY my Dear --

-- Mama.. see adel.. she push me --

-- LeTs waLK ToGetheR --

-- TiMe To Go (next time we bring papa to here, k) --

GiRLs OuTiNG -- pArt 1

Last week.. mama n frenz went to girls outing at port dickson. actually they are mama's frenz since we are at matrikulasi uum .. degree uum...till now. aunty farid, aunty tipah, aunty fiza n aunty ayu. they drove all the way from KL juz to make our dreams come true. hehehe. we stay at avillion pd. nice place with a nice view. u can have a detail bout this resort at here. Since weather skang x menentu so.. mama x bawak iLhams. wan marah takut cucu dia demam lagik. hehehe.. so mama juz lone ranger. papa pun x der. aunty tipah pun x bawak uncle hisyam. so.. it like our old days where we hang out all the nite.

at the first nite, we have a chat. without we we r chatting till nearly 3 am. we chat about all the memories. this guy couple with dat girl.. this girl like*****... how handsome that guy*******. How B**** searching for mama..., about all the nakal things dat we did at our old days.. katil patah... plus etc etc. hahahhaha...

at the next day we went to muzium tentera darat juz to fulfill aunty tipah dreams. hahaha... ada la sorg abg army yg dok escort kami.. (escort ader makner tuh...).......... the wan tipon n mama back to seremban n fetch iLHams.. dat nite iLHams stay with us at PD.

-- tHE pOOL--

-- TradisiONaL daLam KeMoDeNaN--

-- WaTer ChaLet--

-- RiaU DeCk.. U wiLL HaVe a Nice View @ HeRe--

-- GaRDEN ViEW --

-- MaMa BesTFreNz.. aUNTy FaRid--

-- aUNTY TiPaH n AuNTy aYu--

-- MuZiuM TenTeRa DaRaT, PD--

-- LiKe oUR oLD DaYs--

-- TeRinGaT Kat 11 tahun yg doLu--

-- KapaL TeRbanG Yg x LeH TeRbanG--

-- NeAR ThE Trains.. wiSH to go Back To aLOr SetaQ--

-- LaDies of Mine--

-- aFta memanJaT --

-- FrOM The BacK.. GiRL of MiNe--

-- aDeL yg KeTaQ--

-- waTeR sPLasHinG--

-- DiNi da SeJuK--

-- resT TiMe--

-- My lil GiRL--

-- maMa.. can We PlaY wiF the Water aGain??--

-- PeaCocK @ PeT FaRM--
-- ThE sHoW --

XtVT wiThOuT paPa ------ DaY 5


XtVT wiThOuT paPa ------ DaY 4

JaLaN2 wiF aTEh